“Nobody ever told me “Mikael, you are going to be an artist when you grow up”. I had to find that out myself -the hard way.
And not until I was 30 years old (7 years ago) I figured out my calling and my true purpose.
The journey was full of failures, fears, moments were it all seemed impossible and hopeless. I had an identity crisis when I was 29. I simply didn’t know what I wanted with my life.
So I jumped into the unkown.
I went on an inward journey and decided to listen 100% to my intuition, my inner voice, my heart – no matter what people might think and say. I didn’t know where I would end up, I just knew that I had to jump and take a leap of faith.
My future was and still is unpredictable and I’m embracing the unknown as the ultimate way of personal growth.
Doing what I love and facing my fears revealed a life changing path. A hidden path that will appear when you pursue your 100% potential.”
Mikael B.